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Tuesday, 23 October 2012


The ‘Nothing Box’
The brain of a man is structured in a way that very few privileged women understand and it’s because of this fact that we witness very many relationship break ups in the course of our lives. A Mans brain is made up of tiny little boxes. Each box contains only one activity that he carries out on a day to day basis. For example if the boxes are numbered say from one to ten then box one will only contain issues relating to his work, box two will only contain issues relating to his car and so forth.
The masculine brain only has the capacity to handle one box at a time otherwise referred to as single tasking and it is until the completion of handling the issues pertaining to box number one can he then proceed to deal with the issues pertaining to box number two.  The period taken for this transition is usually unknown and is relative to the issue at hand.
Out of these boxes, there is one known as the ‘nothing box’ which contains nothing. It is like a void or a vacuum, and it is this box that a man ventures in when he is stressed or relaxing. When a man is in his nothing box he usually prefers to be left alone as it’s in his efforts to lock the world away and keep to himself other than discussing his issues as women are fond of doing when confronted with similar situations.
Every woman in my opinion should internalize this concept in their lives as it is from this school of thought that one can be able to understand why a man would prefer to play his video game, watch television the whole day other than fixing the broken sink or look after the kids.
However, a man does not stay in his nothing box forever, he in time snaps out of it and in very limited cases may discuss his issues with you his wife/girlfriend or self sufficiently find a solution to his problems and move on to the next box quietly.

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